Marianna F. C.'s profile

Wabi Sabi imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete

Wabi Sabi 
imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete
Wabi-Sabi is a perception of the world based on its impermanence and transient nature. In a world where symmetry is considered perfect, paerns are celebrated and perfection is strived for, it is difficult, even confusing to look for and accept beauty in everyday life, abandoned ruins, and in today's case, decay. 

Decaying castles, ruins of colonialism, mold and algae on every upright surface, and rusty pipes on the walls forming a dying nervous system, there is an urgency in all of these things. The urgency to stop the decay, protect it from the impermanence everything suffers from. 

I went looking for beauty where none is expected to be found. An abandoned theatre, a street falling apart at the seams forcefully being put together with Chinese New Year decor and hipster bars. The never-deserted but now neglected Petaling Street and found it. In a world, which strives for immortality and flawlessness, I found it in a sinking building, rolled up pipe forming perfect symmetry on a graffiti and mold-ridden wall, in the perfectly falling sunlight on a shuttered down shop, used-up stickers warranting your way in the today’s locked-up world.
A sinking row of shops, mostly closed down now. The grill and the wall itself has sunken in the ground, nature has taken over.
Randomly stuck colorful stickers (meant to validate your entrance at check-in) outside of Petaling Street.
Even without color, the colored glass stands out.
Shuttered down shop perfectly, softly illuminated by the sun.
A random street, an almost-rule of thirds, two shapes in perfect symmetry
Subject, unknown, in a conversion in an ice-cream shop near Kwai Chai Hong.
Wabi Sabi imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete

Wabi Sabi imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete
